
Resources and tools for providers and health care professionals

We invite you to use this website, created especially for health care professionals, to find resources that can help you as you care for your patients. Here you can find our medical policies, stay up to date on the latest news or get training on our many tools and benefit plans. This website is there for what matters to health care professionals like you.

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LCD guidance for skin substitutes

Medicare does not have an NCD for non-porcine based skin substitutes. View our Medicare Advantage Medical Policy.

Missouri Medicaid: New state communications portal now available

UnitedHealthcare Community Plan and Missouri partner to launch portal, enhancing Medicaid communication.

September monthly overview

Review the latest UnitedHealthcare prior authorization, medical policy, pharmacy, reimbursement, laboratory and policy and protocol updates for September 2024.

North Carolina Medicaid: End dates corrected on some prior authorizations

Prior authorizations may be delayed for some members transitioning from the state’s Medicaid program. See what you can do.

Texas Medicaid: Log ImmTrac2 consent to submit immunization records

Texas Immunization Registry tracks vaccine records for Texas children and helps improve continuity of care.

Changes to your demographic data submission process on Oct. 1

We’re removing email as an intake option to maintain your demographic data on Oct. 1.