
May 16, 2024

Maryland: Fertility preservation services covered for Medicaid members

As of Oct. 7, 2023, fertility preservation services are covered for Medicaid members in accordance with Maryland state guidelines. Fertility preservation services are procedures that are considered medically necessary to preserve fertility due to a need for medical treatment that may directly or indirectly cause iatrogenic infertility. 

These services are available to patients of reproductive ages ranging from puberty to menopause. All minors require parental content.

Please note: Fertility preservation services are distinct and different from infertility services.

Covered services

Covered fertility preservation services include:

  • Fertility preservation consultation
  • Fertility preservation procedures
    • Applicable laboratory assessments
    • Medications 
    • Medically necessary treatments
  • Ovulation induction, monitoring, oocyte retrieval (for the purposes of oocyte retrieval only)
  • Oocyte cryopreservation and evaluation
  • Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and evaluation
  • Transposition of the ovary(ies) to protect the ovaries before the patient receives pelvic radiation to treat cancer
  • Sperm extraction, cryopreservation and evaluation
  • Gonadal suppression with GnRH analogs

Prior authorization may be required for these services. View the Maryland Department of Health’s Fertility Preservation Clinical Criteria & Prior Authorization Requirements document for more information.

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